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Graham Norton

My Second Harpsichord

Let me confess at the outset that I can't play the piano much less Harpsichord. About 12 years ago in my mid-60s, I embarked upon a musical journey to learn to read the language of music and to take up a musical instrument. Not an easy task, considering that I had no musical background, or learning in my childhood, other than a love, which developed in adulthood of classical music, opera, and more recently, the baroque era.

In the last 10 years, I have built 2 Harpsichords, the first a half size spinet, and then I'm now in the process of completing a French junior Harpsichord, which has two choirs. This is proving physically and mentally a huge task. Which instrument did I take up to learn? The treble recorder.

Here is photographic evidence of my most recent woodworking endeavour

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